Thankful Thursday on a Friday morning…Why not?

I recently read a fellow blogger’s post that she dedicated to her best friend. She compiled a list of 20 things that her bestie has taught her. (see her post )

It has inspired me to do something similar.

Invaluable Lessons Learnt From A Friend

My only friend is a guy. I consider him to be one of my soul mates. Yes, I believe you can have more than one. I believe I have two. And yes, I don’t think it has anything to do with romance.

(more of my view on that : )

I have learnt so much from him. In ways I didn’t think were viable.

  • I’ve learnt that soul mates aren’t always designed to be your spouse.
  • That it is possible to live without letting anger govern any of your actions, not even an outburst of any kind.
  • I learnt the value of having someone that you can go to with anything and trust that they will NEVER judge you.
  • He has taught me that you don’t have to react to everything people say or do to you.
  • He has taught me the value of having a kindred soul to connect with.
  • I have seen the value of open communication in any relationship because of the one I have with him.
  • I’ve learnt that just because it is possible to have this kind of relationship with him doesn’t mean there are others I can have the same type of relationship with. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
  • He has made me aware of the power of affirmation.
  • And that there is immense value in having someone who gives it to you straight.
  • I have learnt that not everybody will use what you have confided in them as a weapon. I needed to learn that one, people are, or rather, can be quite terrible sometimes.
  • That it is possible to live truly selflessly.
  • That friendship is the space that allows you to share physical space with someone without saying a word and emerge from it feeling refreshed and grateful.
  • And that it is perfectly ok to disagree vigorously. It does not change the dynamic of a solid relationship. In fact it should make it stronger.
  • I’ve learnt to appreciate early morning coffees, milky tea, double-decker sarmies, late night movies, the discovery channel, chocolate-stoney get-togethers, listening to music in the dark and silent drives to beautiful places.
  • One of the best things I’ve been taught from my bestie is that sometimes what I think I need is not what I need at all. It’s comforting to know that there is someone out there who sees through me well enough to do, for me, what I need most at the exact time I need it

The thought of losing him used to panic me, but we have evolved beautifully. We love without regrets and that means being grateful for what we have been gifted with and being content with it. He has invaded my space in ways I did not know was possible while respecting me all at the same time. (His response to that particular line would be…”it’s not invading if the space is already yours”.)

More than a few times people have suggested that we are biased in our relating to each other. My response to them – no one else would be able to handle how direct we are with each other. They don’t want to.

I always think about that. People don’t often truly appreciate that kind of direct interaction. They stumble and get offended and give you the cold shoulder.

I am the kind of soul who really appreciates genuine people. People, who without an ounce of nastiness, will tell me the truth about anything, who won’t hide behind what society has taught them “is just not done that way”, who don’t have a hidden agenda, who won’t fake their help or love or like or dislike or anger or sadness. I have found very few people in my days on this earth that can do that.

I think it’s because there are so many souls out there who are easily offended because they have claimed a right to not be treated a certain way. They think in lines of not deserving certain treatment and won’t accept anything sub-standard. I am not saying we are worth nothing and deserve to be trashed in any way. I am saying, there is a bigger picture. People like Ghandi, Jesus, the apostles, various cultures and races, have suffered and have been tortured and killed for effecting changes I only dream of now. They definitely didn’t deserve the treatment they got. But they did not allow it to make them back down from what they were passionate about. Why should we?

My friend, only by God’s grace, has made me aware of all of this and so much more. I miss him dearly.

I am grateful.


Thankful Thursday: Another list…

Brownie in a cup (yes again)

An opportunity to spend time watching my little girl play in a blow up pool for the first time.

A man who decided to make lunch for me

Having my man at home for the holidays

A new hair care regimen that seems like it could actually work

New found confidence only made possible by my King

Angry Birds 🙂

The hope of new job opportunities

We have much to be grateful for. It’s weird, for me, to have to actually think about what I am thankful for each week. Makes me feel a bit guilty. Truth is, the things I am thankful for don’t often change much. But I am truly grateful for them. Having my husband go out and work for me and our daughter each day is something that takes my breath away. All the time. He looks after us so well and I count myself privileged to be able to call myself his wife. Many women never get to experience what I do on a daily basis. And I am honoured.

Another thing I stay amazed at is the blessing of having someone to speak to who truly gets what I am saying. They listen without prejudice or judgement and they aren’t afraid to tell me when I am wrong. And when I speak, I don’t have to explain myself in excess.

Isn’t it strange how people think they have the right to judge you just because they think they know you?  Ok, I know, that had nothing to do with my list or reasons for posting today. But it has made me incredibly grateful for what I have in my only human friend.

I know many may never experience what I have and it always boils down to just one thing…. God loves me. Now I love Him with my life.

Thankful Thursday: In not Of

Just quick post to express gratitude for the truth.

I am in this world and thankfully not of it and that gives me reason to be grateful.
A couple of years ago I fell headlong into a state of depression.
Most of it fuelled by the wicked nature of what this world was dishing out. Not only to me, but also to the innocent and helpless.
Life was not fair. It still isn’t.

But I am grateful that I have  received a new hope for a new life where justice reigns. 

This world is not my home. I’m just passing through. While I do, I am thankful for the strength and wisdom this journey affords me.
Thankful that while I am in it I am not of it.

So doing, I strive to embrace each challenge because it brings me closer to my hometown and my Abba

What a Wednesday!

Today, with the help of God, I kept it together really well in the face of what could have been a terrible loss.

It was so hot, still is actually.
But in the midst of crises, a potty training setback and looking after all our animals I found some solidity in trying my hand at ravioli!

Needless to say practise makes perfect and I need some practise!

Below… a pic of my very tasty attempt at ravioli (my own homemade pasta of course) filled with fresh made ricotta and blue cheese, fried quickly in garlic, butter and thyme. I added some ricotta on top.
Delicious and creamy. Definitely worth doing again.


Embrace life. All too soon yours may be over.

Inspired and Loved

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Thankful Tuesday

God knows exactly how to bless us and bless us indeed.

At the start of this month I was very sure of how things would go down for us as a family. One week in I found myself quite mistaken because God had already done His part without me knowing.

I always testify how God is always working things out for our good. Most times He does it in the background.  Without us seeing, hearing or knowing about it at all.
However, I will be the first to admit, when u are in the situation it’s very easy to forget all of the above in a split second.

But this week God has reminded me… He is my Source. And no one will ever have my back the way He does.

Psalm 66:1 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands!

God has no use for my noisy complaining or anger or even my noisy silences.
He deserves my joyful noise.
I will rejoice.
He is worthy.

Inspired and Loved

A Durban Concert Experience

he invitation came about two or three weeks ago. One of the guys at church asked me to accompany him and some other souls to sing at a concert.

Yes. I sing. I’m passionate about worship. I likewise love to dance!

Anyway, we started practicing and so on. Still, nothing could prepare me for the experience. Does nobody like to dance in public here? The stage had been set and the atmosphere was positively abuzz with rhythm. But nobody was actually dancing. Even though there was enough space. There was lots of cheering though.

Coming to Durban initially I had felt I was going to enter into the Bollywood central of South Africa. You may find that ignorant, but when you don’t know, you just don’t know. Until you actually arrive there.

Everyone I have met, so far, has been so conservative. I feel positively wild in comparison. I don’t imagine I have ever thought of myself in that light. It’s not actually terrible.
They cast it down to my ‘coloured’ heritage. I haven’t yet been able to convince them otherwise.

I had a great night nonetheless. Especially since we had fans 😀
One thing I may never lack here is affirmation. I really appreciate that. In fact, I LOVE that!

It was a fun time right down to everyone  gravitating to McD’s after without actually planning to.

I’m enjoying it all. The sights and sounds of Durban.
In light of where I now live, I cannot help but make a foodie comparison… I have become the curry, the sambal if you will. And all my new souls are the cool raita and tzatziki of my Durban life.

What an awesome privilege.

Inspired and Loved